Friday, June 03, 2005

TWiT Podcast ???, +4 days and counting...

Now it's been a few days and Leo still has not posted this weeks TWiT Episode. They got a late start on recording the episode this week but its been a few days now and all the TWiT fans are waiting eagerly for the new episode, my self included. I was reading all the fan posts at This week in tech website and this one I found was really funny.

Submitted by cyberibs on 3 June, 2005 - 2:11am.

"It just hit me... Leo must have been editing, and due to all the stress of piecing together the sound files he went to the Dark Side, and Henry is trying to bring him back to light...

(While Patrick turns into a Tuscon Raider with a sledge hammer, Yoshi fixes, mods, and sells droids, and Kevin is chilling at Mos Eisley Cantina)

This explains it..."

This just made me crack up laughing, I hope Leo gets the pod cast out soon. I'm thinking that Leo will release two episodes this Monday or maybe one on Sunday morning then tape the new one Sunday afternoon then post that one Monday, but I'm just guessing.



Sunday, May 22, 2005

The iPod shuffle !!!!

I got an iPod shuffle today and it's amazing I really love it. It holds 240 tunes and it has 12 hours of battery life. It also look really cool I just love it. I payed 170.00 plus tax and 2 years warranty on top of it. I got it reduced cus some one had got it and returned it cus they decided not to keep it so futureshop marked it down cus of the open box. Regular price is 189.99 plus tax so I saved a little bit on it. Works great and loving it !!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

This Week in Tech "TWiT"

TWiT is really taking off, Leo and the gang are doing an amazing job and the response is absolutely amazing. Its the number one Podcast and its getting bigger and bigger!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Family Guy Live in Vegas

I just Downloaded Family Guy Live in Vegas CD from iTunes Music store, I wanted to try iTunes out and actually buy a CD online. It is absolutely hilarious, I just love this CD.

I'm also looking forward to the new episode of Family Guy on Sunday May 1st. 2005

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Revenge of the TSS

I just was visiting Leo's blog and viewed the new podcast with Leo Laport, Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, Robert Heron discussing everything from the newest tech to a glass of coke...
download the TROTSS.

Good job guys can't wat for the next one.



Monday, March 21, 2005

In Memory of...

I lost my beloved pet turtle on Saturday March 19th 2005. He was sick for the past two weeks and wasn't eating anything. I originally had three 12 years ago but one died two years after I got them. So I had two turtles for twelve Years and now I'm down to one. I am thinking of getting two more so my other turtle won't get lonely.


Saturday, February 26, 2005

Audio Blogg This!!!!!

I heard about this audio blogg from Amber on Call For Help and thought I would give it a try... Just click on the play button and have a listen.

this is an audio post - click to play



Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Digital Rebel !!

I got my new Digital Camera four days ago in the 20th of Jan and I'm just loving it. Its Canon's EOS Digital Rebel, its 6.3 Mega pixels and I got it for 1249.99 at futureshop. With the tax and the two year warranty it was just over $1500.00.

I have been taking lots of photos with my camera and I am loving it. I think it will take me a few months to learn how to use all the functions and features of the camera. I currently have a 256mb CF card and am planning on getting 1GB CF card soon. I should see if there is a book on my camera a Digital Rebel for dummies book or something. The best feature of a Digital SLR is that the lense can be taken off and I can buy a larger telephoto lense to put on and get more zoom.

- Nathan

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year Canada!!!

Its 2005, WOW!!! I can't believe it. I remember when it turned 1995, that seemed like just a few years ago and now its 2005. I wonder what this year will bring about. Well that's all for now.


- Nathan